Monday, February 4, 2019

Cultural Identity, Continued

Today's Goal:

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Cultural Identity Reflection
  3. Bio Poem

Cultural Identity Reflection
The first step today is to reflect a little bit on what we discussed or heard from our peers last class as you thought about your own identity and what cultures you belong to.

Reflect on our conversation from yesterday to answer the following questions on Google Classroom.

  1. How would you feel if someone ignored or dismissed or said something unkind about one of your most important multicultural identity bubbles?
  2. In what ways can we make sure that all people in the classroom feel that their cultural heritage and cultural identities are respected and valued?

Bio Poem Brainstorm and Guidelines

Today you will think about and continue to reflect on YOUR cultural identity.

As you make your biographical poem, keep in mind the following:

  • It's about you, not about others, so make sure that everything is connected to you.
  • For your beliefs, they should be beliefs that you would also apply to yourself. This means that you should focus on what you do believe, not what you don't believe. This also means that you may not say harmful things about other people when you should be talking about yourself.
  • If you want to add or adjust a line, feel free (for example, you might add one that says "Who identifies as." It's a poem, which means even though I have created a structure, it can be adjusted and modified.
Your assignment can be done in one of three ways:
  1. Type it and turn it in on Google Classroom digitally. You may mess with fonts and colors, as long as it is appropriate and readable.
  2. Type it and print it out to decorate it, if that makes you happy.
  3. Do it on a clean sheet of printer paper if you're into hand lettering. Do not choose this option if it will be messy.

  • No Red Ink "FANBOYS" Due Friday 6pm
  • Finish and turn in: 
    • One-Pager (due last class)
    • Bio Poem (due next class)
    • Replace photo on Google Classroom with a picture of your face. ASAP.
  • READ your book!

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