Friday, February 28, 2020

Silent Communication and RACE pre-assessment - 28 February and 2 March

Today's Goal: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.1
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
The Plan:
  1. Read!
  2. Silent Communication Activity
  3. Read the article entitled "High schools are starting to bet on esports"
  4. RACE Writing Assignment
  5. Pre-Survey
  6. Work on CommonLit assignment and/or NoRedInk and/or get help turning in your Video for This I Believe

  • No Red Ink "Fragments"
    • due Friday, 27 February, 4pm
    • if it is completed after 4pm, it will be marked late and you will lose some credit.
  • Article of the Week
    • due Friday, 6 March, 4pm
    • You must complete the assessment questions. There are 8 of them.
    • Make sure you "log in with Google" as always
  • No Red Ink "Fragments and Quotes"
    • due Friday, 13 March, 4pm
    • if it is completed after 4pm, it will be marked late and you will lose some credit.

Silent Communication Activity

We're going to keep working on that whole "eye contact" thing we talked about last class. This is an in-class only activity. 
  1. You will get a partner today. This partner cannot be someone you know REALLY well.
  2. For three minutes, you're going to do a bit of writing about your partner, which I will explain to you. 

After we talk about what we did in class, you will be doing some silent moving around the room. We will debrief after we finish and talk about:
  • What worked?
  • What didn't work?
  • How important was making eye contact with your peers when it came to being successful in the task?
  • What kinds of feelings do different people have about silence?
  • What purpose could silence serve?

RACE Writing Assignment

Today's task has one goal: gather some data. We've been working on writing all year in formal and informal ways. We've also just finished a large essay in which you were writing about yourself, so as we transition back to writing about what we read a little more, we need to see what you remember about writing argument and using evidence.

You will not get any help on today's writing assignment. NONE. Your task is to read the article and then answer the question in RACE paragraph format. I need to see what your best is so I can help you make your best even better.

Here's the trick, though: the better you do and the more effort we put into it, the less lecture you get from me about things you already know in the coming weeks because I won't have to bore you while I reteach something that you are capable of doing. 

IDEAL: Write a RACEECEE paragraph, not RACE. Like I said, I need to see your absolute best without my help, so most of you should be using TWO pieces of evidence, not one. 

Task steps:
  1. Read the article entitled "High schools are starting to bet on esports"
  2. Answer the question provided in RACEECEE paragraph format. You do not have to highlight.
  3. Use any resources on the document and around the room that you would like, but Ms. Black and Mr. Mello and Mrs. H will not help. 

Pre-Work Survey

The purpose of this survey is to get a before and after picture of this RACE paragraph and one that you will write in the future. I need to know your perceptions and ideas about what we've been doing in order to see if that changes.

What DO I DO when I'm done?
  1. Please fill out this survey after you complete the RACEECEE response.
  2. This I Believe Video needs to be turned in. There's too many of you that have no submission.
  3. No Red Ink Due today.
  4. CommonLit Article due next Friday.
  5. Read

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Book Talks and Email Etiquette - 26 February and 27 February 2020

Today's Goal: 

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Book Talk Time - Focus on EYE CONTACT
  3. fill out this form AFTER book talks
  4. Article of the Week (this is the assignment you'll do instead of typing from now on)
  5. Email Etiquette/Sending Formal Emails

  • No Red Ink "Fragments" 
    • due Friday, 27 February, 4pm
    • if it is completed after 4pm, it will be marked as late and you will not get full points
  • CommonLit.Org Article of the Week
    • due Friday, 6 March, 4pm
    • You must complete the Assessment questions. There are 8 of them.
    • Make sure you "log in with google" as always
  • No Red Ink "Fragments and Quotes"
    • due Friday, 13 March, 4pm
    • if it is completed after 4pm, it will be marked as late and you will not get full points

Book Talks!

  • You will have 90 seconds to share a book that you are reading with your group members.
  • You must have the book with you, either as a physical book, or pulled up on Overdrive.
  • You must be either currently reading the book, or have finished it within the last 2 days.
  • You must talk for the full 90 seconds without stopping.
  • Here are some things to talk about:
    • Introduce the title, author, & genre of the book and give a brief summary (try to avoid spoilers if you can!)
    • What do you think of the book so far? Are there specific things that you like/dislike? Would you recommend it to your classmates? Why/Why not?
    • Who is your favorite character?
    • Who is the worst character?
    • What's the funniest scene so far?
    • What do you hope will happen as you keep reading?
    • What do you think will ACTUALLY happen when you keep reading?

You will fill out THIS FORM after everyone has had the chance to share.

Once you finish, I suggest you go log in on CommonLit.Org so you can see your homework. This is what will take the place of on weeks you don't have a NoRedInk assignment.

Sending Formal Emails (Email Etiquette)

Slides 19-24 have your assignment.

You can also use the templates, where applicable, that you can find on the new button at the very very top of the blog called "Sending Formal Emails!"

Monday, February 24, 2020

Video Project: Let's Finish and Turn It In! - 24 February and 25 February 2020

Today's Goal: Finish your video!

The Plan:
  1. Watch Screencast! (below)
  2. Read
  3. Finish your This I Believe video project and turn it in on Google Classroom.
    HERE is the rubric
  4. Read/NoRedInk

  • This I Believe VIDEO PROJECT
    • Due 25 February, 2020
    • This is a Tuesday, and we will spend the first day back from break in the library to finish it up, but you'll probably need to not forget about it until the last minute.
    • This is a situation where if you, personally, will need a little bit more time, you can email Ms. Black with a polite request.
  • No Red Ink "Fragments" 
    • due Friday, 27 February, 4pm
    • if it is completed after 4pm, it will be marked as late and you will not get full points
  • No Red Ink "Fragments and Quotes"
    • due Friday, 13 March, 4pm
    • if it is completed after 4pm, it will be marked as late and you will not get full points

To Turn In Your Video Project on Google Classroom:
  1. Log In to Adobe Spark using your school google account as always
  2. When you open the folder for "My Projects", find button made of three dots on the video. Press it.
  3. Choose "Share"
  4. Choose "Publish"
  5. Make sure the information is correct on the pop up.
  6. TURN OFF the "Get Noticed" option. This is a requirement. Do it.
  7. Click "Create Link" Wait until the link shows up. It will take a few minutes. Copy the link it gives you after it shows up, paste it into a kindly worded email and send it to Ms. Black.
Please note: If you did not use Adobe Spark, I do not know how to submit it on Google Classroom. I'm hoping/assuming that you do and that if it's on your Google Drive, you can go to the assignment in Google Classroom and figure out how to attach it. I believe in you.


Monday, February 10, 2020

6th Grade Camp! - 10-14 February 2020


The Plan:
  1. Enjoy camp!

If you're checking this over February break, please don't forget the reminders below:

  • Thsi I Believe VIDEO PROJECT
    • Due 25 February, 2020
    • This is a Tuesday, and we will spend the first day back from break in the library to finish it up, but you'll probably need to not forget about it until the last minute.
    • This is a situation where if you, personally, will need a little bit more time, you can email Ms. Black with a polite request.
  • No Red Ink "Fragments" 
    • due Friday, 27 February, 4pm
    • if it is completed after 4pm, it will be marked as late and you will not get full points

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Recording Your Story - 6 February and 7 February 2020

Today's Goal: 
Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

Include multimedia components (e.g., graphics, images, music, sound) and visual displays in presentations to clarify information.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Learn about Adobe Spark with Mrs. Uyloan in the library
  3. Work on turning your This I Believe essay into a visual/audio presentation (Important Note: You should not be working on this step until your essay is fully written and ready to be graded. We will be scoring them in the next couple weeks.)

  • READ!
  • No Red Ink "SWABIs" 
    • Due Friday 7 February, 4pm
  • No Red Ink "Fragments" 
    • Due Friday 28 February, 4pm
  • Written This I Believe Essay should be ready to be scored ASAP.
  • Video Production of This I Believe Essay
    • Due Tuesday, 25 February
    • You will likely get a bit of extra time when we return from break to work on this, but it will not be a ton of time. Please consider working on this 

Making a Video

Here is what you need to know: 
  • Your video must have at least 10 different videos/images/drawings/etc. to help tell your story.
  • You must record yourself reading your essay. Please start with a title page and record yourself introducing yourself and the title of your essay.
    • "My name is John Smith and my personal narrative is entitled "_______________"
  • You must submit the link to your video on Google Classroom (there is a new assignment there for you)

  • Ms. Black, how do I use Adobe Spark?
    • By trying stuff and seeing if it works. I am fairly new to this program as well. Mrs. Uyloan knows a lot more than I do, but start by starting a new project and clicking "video." They even give you videos for new users!
  • Ms. Black, can I use WeVideo?
    • Sure! As long as you know what you're doing. Don't use WeVideo if you have not learned it yet. Same with any other platform. I'm cool with most platforms as long as you know what you're doing or are willing to figure it out on your own. 
    • ALSO!! One of your peers was kind enough to share her slideshow presentation entitled "How to Make a Video using WeVideo" with you! Please scroll down to see it! That's the most I can give you though. Beyond that, you'll need to figure it out yourself.
  • What will the final product look like?
    • Well, I think we're going to find out once you've done it. There are lots of creative ways to go about this. If you want to see different kinds of things you could do, here are a few examples I found:
  • What if I can't think of what images to add?
    • Well, you can. I promise. Please notice that in all of the examples above, there is a new image every few seconds. That's a lot! I am not asking that you do that many, but you also want to make sure you are keeping your audience visually engaged. There are a million ways to do this. It might involve a little planning, but you are completely capable.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

BONUS DAY (Period 1, 3, 5 ONLY) - 5 February 2020

Today's Goal: Catch Up, Get Ahead.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. The Choice to Do It Over Again by Daniel Flanagan
  3. Finalize your Writing
  4. Practice Reading Aloud to others
  5. No Red Ink/Typing/Other Make-Up Work

  • READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Work on your essay.
  • Finish reading aloud to others and getting signatures; bring back your signed paper to turn in.
  • No Red Ink "SWABIs" 
    • Due Friday 4pm
    • You will not have access if you didn't do the diagnostic, and I still won't accept late assignments for full credit anymore, so I suggest you get the diagnostic done so you don't dig yourself a deeper hole.

Finalize Your Writing
Today you are very lucky to get some extra writing time to revise/edit/make your essay the best you can before I score it. Use it. Ms. Black will meet with people she hasn't gotten to meet with yet during this time.

Practice Reading Aloud
You will get a small sheet of paper that looks like this. You must read your essay, out loud, to at least three people and get their signatures.

One person can be an adult at home or another teacher, but two must be peers.

 Do not do this step if you have not finalized your essay, although if you read to someone and they have a suggestion, make sure to listen in case it is helpful.

Other Work To Do
Here are your options if everything else is done:
  • No Red Ink.
  • Reading.
  • Revising the writing stations if you didn't do them or want to improve your score..
  • Reading.
  • Continuing to revise your essay.
  • Also Reading.
  • You could make up the No Red Ink Quiz #2 if you need to (or retake it if you ask Ms. Black.)
You are not permitted to do We are done with in this class. If you need to make that up, do it on your own time.