Monday, February 10, 2020

6th Grade Camp! - 10-14 February 2020


The Plan:
  1. Enjoy camp!

If you're checking this over February break, please don't forget the reminders below:

  • Thsi I Believe VIDEO PROJECT
    • Due 25 February, 2020
    • This is a Tuesday, and we will spend the first day back from break in the library to finish it up, but you'll probably need to not forget about it until the last minute.
    • This is a situation where if you, personally, will need a little bit more time, you can email Ms. Black with a polite request.
  • No Red Ink "Fragments" 
    • due Friday, 27 February, 4pm
    • if it is completed after 4pm, it will be marked as late and you will not get full points

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