Friday, August 31, 2018

Social Contract & All About Me Introduction

Today's Goal: Finish Building Our Social Contract and Learn about your first assignment!

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Finish Social Contract
  3. "What's Wrong with this Slide?"
  4. All About Me Introduction/Planning
Social Contract

Please see yesterday's post for information about social contracts. This is an in-class discussion.

All About Me
I will give you important information about due dates and whatnot in the next couple classes. Please do not worry too much about it, because it won't be due until after MAP testing.

  • Plan out your All About Me Presentation using your storyboard. I will be giving you time next week in class to make your presentation, so you do NOT need to get on Google Slides this weekend.
  • Get your work turned in (syllabus form, one word project)

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Social Contracts

Today's Goal: Create a class Social Contract that outlines how we will act and behave together this year.

The Plan:
  1. Do NOT get Chromebooks
  2. READ
  3. Teambuilding Activity
  4. Social Contract
What's a Social Contract?

It's a contract we all sign that shows the ways that our class agrees to behave all year. We will make it together in class, and the results will be posted on the wall for the whole year. It will be our guide to how we treat ourselves and others in class.

These are our guiding questions:

  1. How do you want to be treated by Ms. Black? How can she do that?
  2. How do you think Ms. Black wants to be treated by you? What can you do to show that?
  3. How do you want to treat each other in this classroom? What do you do?
  4. When there is conflict in our classroom, how do you want to treat each other? What does that look like?
  5. How can we all help each other stay focused and successful in the classroom?

  • Get your One Word Projects turned in as soon as possible
  • Bring back your syllabus signed by your parent/guardian (ask them to fill out the parent form on the blog!)
  • Go outside and hug a tree or something. Fresh air is good for you.

Monday, August 27, 2018

One Word (and Syllabus)

Today's Goal: One Word Project and Syllabus

The Plan:
  1. Find your Name Tent and get a computer
  2. READ!
  3. Class Syllabus (I'll make this as short as possible. Promise.)
  4. One Word Project
  5. Turn in Name Tent and chromebooks
Class Syllabus

Please CLICK HERE to visit the class syllabus. You can also find it on the sidebar on the right under "important links."

You must get a parent/guardian signature for the class syllabus. They may complete this digitally by clicking on "parent survey" in the sidebar.

One Word Project

  • Find a book and read it. 
  • Complete the student survey if you did not complete it. 
  • Complete your "One Word Project"
  • Get your syllabus signed by your parent or guardian. Have them complete the "parent survey."

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Student Survey and One Word Project

Today's Goal: Learn some procedures in our classroom and begin to brainstorm one word that you can focus on this school year.

The Plan:
  1. Name Tent/Attendance
  2. Talk about chromebooks and this blog and reading
  3. Student Survey (Click on the link to access)
  4. Read (for real)
  5. One Word Project
  6. Turn in Name Tent and chromebooks
Chromebook Procedures
Beginning of Class:
  1. Walk into the classroom and put your things down at your desk.
  2. ONLY AFTER that, you will walk in a single file line in front of the projector to pick up your chromebook.
  3. Unplug the chromebook BEFORE you take it out, and only take YOUR NUMBER.
  4. Carefully carry your chromebook back to your desk with two hands.
End of Class:
  1. LOG OUT (It's a good habit to have, even if it automatically does it. One day you're going to find that one computer didn't do it automatically, and then all your stuff is gone.)
  2. Follow the same route to drop your chromebook off. 
  3. Put it away in the correct number and carefully plug it in using the cord on the left of the slot. LEFT.

One Word Project

  • Find a book and read it. 
  • Complete the student survey if you did not complete it. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Welcome to Middle School!

I'm so glad we get to meet today!

Please do not touch the Play-Doh on your desk until instructed to.

Today's Goal: Get to know each other a little bit and create something!

My name is Ms. Black. As long as your schedule doesn't get switched around, I'll be your English teacher this year!

  1. Play-Doh Activity
  2. Questions/Concerns

After instruction, you'll grab a tub of play-doh and use for one of the following prompts:

Your creation should (CHOOSE ONE):
  • represent something about you or something that is important to you.
  • represent something about your summer that you enjoyed
  • represents what you are looking most forward to this school year
  • If you can, see if you can visit this website at home. I have published MyConnect so you always have access to this on the home page, but you'll have to be patient: I'm still learning how to use MyConnect!
  • If you did not come to "School Year's Eve" last night or the paper ran out, here is the WELCOME LETTER that was posted on my door. Feel free to review.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

2018-2019 Hello!

Welcome to 6th grade Language Arts!!

You're going to be receiving a lot of information in the next few days, and so am I! You are new to middle school, and I am new to Twin Peaks, so we're going to be discovering a lot of things together. In fact, YOU might be the expert on some things, like MyConnect! 

On this site, you will find daily plans, resources, important links, and procedures for our classroom. This will be your home-base for almost everything we do in English this year (don't worry, you'll have access to it on MyConnect as well). Share it with your parents or guardians. If you're absent, come here first. If you forget something, see if you can find the post that will help you.

I suggest that the first thing you do right this second is "bookmark" this page. Do you know how to do that? Does your friend? Does YouTube? I bet you can figure it out!

In addition, we will be utilizing Google ClassroomNo Red InkGoogle Drive, MyPlan and MyConnect, and a number of other online resources. Some we will discover together. Some I will teach you. Some you might find and say, "MS. BLACK I WANT TO TRY A NEW THING." I can't wait for you to discover new tools to share with me and your classmates.

Note: if you scroll down, you're going to find posts from last school year. Each day the new post will be at the top of this page, and trust me: there's no way to cheat by looking at my old posts. Everything changes!