Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Culture and Identity: An Introduction

Today's Goal: Learn what cultural identity is and how it affects us as individuals. 

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Intro to Unit 4
  3. Cultural Identity
  4. Change your Google Profile Picture to be an appropriate picture of YOU or of your Initials.
  5. Catch up Time

Unit Question: How does cultural identity shape a person's experience within a community?

You will find this question on Google Classroom. Answer to the best of your ability. This is a quickwrite, which means: get all your ideas out regardless of whether they are right or wrong. To an extent, this is an opinion. There isn't a right or wrong, there is only answering it or not answering it.

Cultural Identity
You will need a piece of paper for this.

  • I wasn't kidding about your one-pager. If you didn't turn it in today, Turn it in ASAP.
  • I'm also not kidding about the profile picture. Change it.
  • If the No Red Ink Diagnostic is not done, you'll need to do that as well.

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