Monday, January 7, 2019

Old Brian vs. New Brian

Today's Goal: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.3
Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
The Plan:
  1. Winter Break Reading Goal: How'd you do?
    Respond to your original goal on Google Classroom. There is an example posted.
  2. READ! YAY!
  3. Hatchet - Read Chapter 16 AND 17 and place stickies on evidence of what NEW Brian is like as a person. Don't forget to write why you marked it on your sticky.
  4. Old Brian Vs. New Brian 
Old Brian vs. New Brian
I'm giving you a graphic organizer to use for this. 

On the back of your sheet, answer the following question:
How has Brian changed over the course of the novel?
(Hint: answering this in 1-2 sentences, but with detail,
will hopefully turn into your thesis for your essay! Yay!)
  1. In each of Brian's heads, draw pictures or write words to represent what Brian is like as a person or what his attitude is. 
  2. In between Old and New, write any similarities you see between old Brian and new Brian
  3. On the lines below each head, paraphrase at least one example from the story for old and new Brian.
  4. On the back of your sheet, answer the following question: How has Brian changed over the course of the novel? (Hint: answering this in 1-2 sentences, but with detail, will hopefully turn into your thesis for your essay! Yay!)

  • No Red Ink Sentence Parts: independent clauses, FANBOYS, and dialogue
    • DUE Friday January 11at 6pm for ALL students
  • If you have finished any books, please make sure you fill out the "I Finished A Book" form on the sidebar.
  • The end of the quarter is next Friday. 
    • If you have missing assignments, I need them by next Wednesday, January 16. 
    • I'm out of town next weekend, so grades are going in by Friday, January 18.

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