Thursday, January 17, 2019

Blending Quotes, Writing Body Paragraphs

Today's Goal: For the most part, see previous post. We're still writing.

The Plan:
  1. No Red Ink Capitalization Assessment
    It's like a quiz, but far less stressful, and literally is exactly what you did for 4 weeks on No Red Ink unless you didn't do it at all.
  2. Read when you're done
  3. Blending Quotes
  4. Write!

Blending Quotes
Okay so there is a powerpoint you can use below, but we're going to practice this together today. 

You will need:

  2. This quote, because it's the one we're going to practice with:
"They would not return. He would never leave now, he would never get out of here. He went down to his knees and felt the tears start, cutting through the smoke and ash on his face, silently falling onto the stone" (PG 117).
Ask yourself:

  • Do I need ALL of this quote? Can I just use part of it and paraphrase the rest?
  • Is it missing an in-text citation or is the in-text citation incorrect? (yes, it's incorrect)
  • What is going on in the story right now?
  • Is there any information I need to explain in order to understand this moment in the story?

Some possible sentence starters:
  • Paulsen states, "__
  • Paulsen writes, "__
  • Brian thinks, "__
  • When _______, Brian realizes that "____________

Important DON'TS:
  • Do NOT write the page number in your sentence
    • On page 346 it says, "__"
  • Do NOT write the word "quote" or "evidence" in your sentence.
    • The quote is "___"
  • Do NOT use personal pronouns
    • "My evidence is when Brian _____
    • I found the quote that says "____"
  • Don't forget the in-text citation

  • Your goal is to have a full essay written by the time you show up to class next week.
  • We will use that day to revise and improve. No real writer writes without revising, and you are practicing to be a real writer.
  • Read a novel

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