Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Explanation and Conclusions

Today's Goal: Essay!

Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, ...demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.
Use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify the relationships among claim(s) and reasons.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Expanding on your reasoning and Explanation part of R.A.C.E.S (or RACEEECEES)
  3. Conclusions
  4. Work time.

Expanding on Evidence

Below is what the rubric says about your evidence and reasoning (explanation)
It is scored on a scale of 1 through 4. Which is which?

1: Below Grade-Level
2: Approaching Grade-Level
3: At Grade-Level
4: Above Grade-Level

I will give you and your table four paragraphs.
Your job is to decide which achieves which rubric score.

EGUSD CCSS Rubrics by Elk Grove Unified School District is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://blogs.egusd.net/ccss/educators/ela/rubrics-k-12/.

Conclusion Paragraphs

The entire purpose of a conclusion paragraph is to sum up the essay and to answer the question: So what? Why does it all matter at all?

If you aren't sure, you're going to have to discuss it with some people to figure it out, but here are some ideas for your ending:

  • Explain why the character change, the way that Brian became, is important in the real world.
  • Explain why Brian's character change is important to HIM even after he leaves the wilderness. You have to connect it to things that are not related to surviving in the wilderness, though. You might talk about what he talks about in the epilogue
  • Relate it back to the unit question: “What are the most important character traits for survival in a dangerous situation?
I don't want to tell you how to end your essay, but I do want to tell you that you need to come up with a reason that this change matters, and who it matters to. It could matter to Brian, it could matter to all people, and it could matter to specific kinds of people. You have to decide, and you have to decide why and SAY it. 

You could also watch this video if you want. I don't put them on here for no reason.

    • Friday, January 25, 6pm
    • All classes due on this day. 
    • Get it done so that you can have the weekend.
  • Turn in your copies of Hatchet to the library as soon as possible.
  • Read your independent reading novel!
  • Note: Assuming you don't waste your time or my time, you will get to watch the movie at the end of this week. Don't blow it.

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