Monday, February 25, 2019

Book Club Meeting Day 1+2, Signposts, and Essay Revisions

Today's Goals
Book Club:
Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion.

Signpost - Words of the Wiser:
Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Book Clubs Day 1 AND Day 2
    Set Social Contract Goals for your Group and then chat!
  3. Signpost "Words of the Wiser" RACE paragraph on Google Classroom
  4. Hatchet Essay Revision

Book Club Meeting Day 1 and 2
You'll have the first large chunk of class to discuss your book with your group.

Before you may begin, you will set a goal for discussion as a group. Ms. Black will provide you with a goal sheet.

Each member of your group will share their roles in the following order, but you will go through this process TWO TIMES. (Day 1 and THEN Day 2)

  1. Discussion Director - Spend the most time on this one! Answer/discuss the questions! 
  2. Signpost Spotter
  3. Captivating Connector
  4. Vocab Master

Remember, your Discussion Director will be grading each member of the group on participation, so stay engaged!

**If you were absent today, you'll be responsible for all the days when you return, and that grade will count for both!

Signpost - Words of the Wiser
Everything you need for this will be at the Signpost website and on Google Classroom.
We will listen to the audio as a class and then discuss before writing your RACE paragraph.

Essay Revision:
We may not get to this today, so know that if we do not, we will get to it next class. 

The short version of this is that I have left you lots of comments and your rubric is on the document in Google Classroom if you open your essay and scroll to the bottom. 

The shorter version is if you got below a 35 out of 50 possible points, you will be staying with me for RAM (and lunch, if fully incomplete) regularly until you have made revisions. This is so I can support you so you are reaching grade-level expectations.

  • After today you should have FOUR RACE paragraphs about Signposts on Google Classroom.
    • Words of the Wiser
    • Memory Moment
    • Again and Again
    • Contrasts and Contradictions
  • No Red Ink "Formatting/Capitalizing Titles and Quotes" Due Friday
  • You should have at least one independent reading book read by March 1. Turn in a one-pager for that book.
  • Book Club Meeting Day 3 will be next class. Come prepared.

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