Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Book Club Practice: Stephanie's Ponytail, by Robert Munsch

Today's Goal: Practice speaking and listening to each other as we discuss a short story and practice the roles that will be required of you during your book clubs that will begin next class.

The Plan:
  1. Read! 
  2. Stephanie's Ponytail
  3. Practice Roles
  4. Practice Discussion
  5. Practice Self-Assessment
  6. Contrasts and Contradictions RACE Paragraph using Stephanie's Ponytail

Book Club Roles
Here is the link to the book club roles practice that we will do in class today.

Below is an overview of each role:

At the start of each class, you will spend 20-25 minutes discussing the previous night’s assigned reading with your group. Each member of your group will have a role to fulfill. Failure to complete your assigned role will result in not being able to participate in the group discussion and the loss of class participation points.


  • You are the leader of the discussion and will start off each discussion
  • You will create 3 questions (with possible answers) for the section of reading, one from each level of thinking. 
  • It is your job to keep the discussion going, even when you think the discussion is over. Trust me, it’s not.
  • **You must hold each member (and yourself) accountable for their roles/behavior...you will be grading them for the discussion session.


  • Your job is to find at least 3 signposts in this week’s assigned reading. Copy them down exactly as they are in the text and fill in the chart with your thoughts. Be prepared to share with your group. 
  • **Signpost Spotter WILL also responsible for documenting a weekly signpost on Google Classroom after you’ve had your group discussion.


  • As connector, you are making connections from the text: to yourself, to the world, and another text.
  • **For example, I connect with Tommy because he likes comic books, like I do. I started off about his age, and since then, I have been getting more and more into Marvel. (connection to yourself)


  • You are responsible for finding four unknown words from the text and defining them for the rest of your group to help better understand the reading. 
  • You will need to direct your group to the pages that the vocabulary words are on and discuss together what it means and why that was an important word to define and investigate.

Stephanie's Ponytail Video
Watch if you are absent.
Use it to complete your Signpost RACE Paragraph on Google Classroom.

  • Signpost Independent Reading Practice Due Friday (On Google Classroom)
  • Finish Contrasts and Contradictions Question on Google Classroom
  • You should have at least one independent reading book read by March 1. Turn in a one-pager for that book.

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