Friday, February 8, 2019

Book Tasting!

Today's Goal: WHO'S HUNGRY? For books, that is. It's time you learned a little bit about what it means to sample a book. Nobody likes reading a book they don't like. Today, you're going to practice a method of "tasting" a book and see which ones you connect to the most before you sign up to read the whole thing.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Book Tasting
  3. Again and Again Review
  4. Catch-Up Time (There will be quite a bit of this today unless time is wasted.

Book Tasting

Just to clarify, there will be no actual eating of books today. Books are friends, not food. Instead, you're going to get 7 minutes at each "tasting table" to get an idea of what each book is about and see if you might enjoy reading it. Try them out! See what you like! 

You will get a sheet of paper to fill out as you visit each "tasting table." 

For the first four minutes, no writing is allowed. You may look at the book, flip through the book, read through the first pages, read the last pages, whatever makes you happy and includes actually investigating the book and what you think. 

For the last three minutes, you may write your thoughts on your sheet.

This is my visual representation of "Again and Again"
Again and Again Signpost Review
At the very bottom of the "Again and Again" page on the Signpost Website, you will find a short story called "Charles" by Shirley Jackson.

Listen and follow along (or read it silently to yourself if you would like), and then answer the following question in RACES Paragraph format on Google Classroom. 

What shows up again and again, and why is it important to the story?

Catch-Up Time
Here's a list of things. It's a long list, but that means every single person has something they can work on.

  1. The Signpost Again and Again RACE Paragraph on Google Classroom assigned today.
  2. Figure out how to change your profile picture. Today I will help.
  3. NoRedInk "FANBOYS" due today.
  4. Signpost Independent Reading Practice on Google Classroom, Due Friday, February 15
  5. One Pager (either the one that was due already, or your next one if you have FINISHED a new book)

  • Read your independent reading book.
  • Complete the Signpost Independent Reading Practice on Google Classroom
  • See the list above for all things to catch up on if you are behind or looking to get ahead.

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