Thursday, February 14, 2019

BOOK CLUBS! Get your book, make your plan, start reading.

Today's Goal: Build your reading schedule and start reading!
set specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed.

The Plan:
  1. Get books! Here's the list of who's reading what.
  2. Build Reading Schedule with your new group and assign book roles. 
  3. Find yourself a SAFE PLACE to put your Book Club Packets. You lose it, you have to start over. 
  4. Signpost "Memory Moment" RACE paragraph on Google Classroom.
  5. Read or work on other work for Language Arts.

Some notes about our Book Club novels:
  • You will NOT be allowed to participate in the discussion each class if you have not read your assigned pages and completed your role well.
    • That means you will receive a zero for that day's task. You can't afford that.
  • Doing the work is different from doing the work well. You will get much further and feel more successful if you take the time to really build connections and come up with thoughtful discussion questions. You will all be happier in the end. I promise.
    • Example of Doing the Work:
      • Text to World Connection: people in the world make fun of other people for things they don't like.
    • Example of Doing the Work WELL:
      • Text to World Connection: John Lasseter (a real person in the real world), the director of all of our favorite Pixar movies, was fired from Disney at the beginning of his career because he was trying to create the first digitally animated movie and the producers at Disney thought it was insane and ridiculous and a waste of time, so they kicked him out. He eventually got support from George Lucas and Steve Jobs and a whole team to create the first digitally animated short. This connects to Stephanie's Ponytail because Stephanie got made fun and laughed at for trying new things, but with the support of her mom and some creative thinking, she got the last laugh and got what she wanted.
    • Another Example of Doing the Work WELL:
      • Text to World Connection: JK Rowling got rejected by lots and lots of publishing companies before someone would publish Harry Potter. She also got fired from one of her steady jobs for spending time writing. This connects to Stephanie's Ponytail because so many people told her repeatedly, "no, no, absolutely not" just like Stephanie's classmates told her "ugly" over and over again. In the end, both Stephanie and JK Rowling are the winners.
    • To be clear, this might mean you have to do some research.
  • The due dates are non-negotiable. Your group relies on you to be present and prepared.
  • Your group novel can be used for one of your one-pagers.

Things You Can Do After You Make Your Schedule With Your Group
  1. Complete "Memory Moment" RACE paragraph. 
  2. Read
  3. Work on Missing Work
  4. Work on upcoming work that is going to be due.

  • You have THREE RACE paragraphs that should be completed for signposts on Google Classroom ASAP.
  • Read
  • Work on Missing Work
  • Work on upcoming work that is going to be due.

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