Monday, March 11, 2019

Monday, March 11 - Ketchup Day

Today's Goal: Work Day. Use it wisely.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Watch the video below
  3. Catch-Up Time

Here is a list of things you should be doing today, in this order
  1. Make sure that you have read up to your DAY 6 assignments for your book clubs and completed the role sheet for that day.
  2. Check that all Signpost RACE paragraphs are completed and turned in. Ms. Black has scored the first three of them already, so you should feel free to revise if necessary and submit a revision request on the blog.
    Note: I will drop the lowest score of the first three from your overall grade, but only if you completed them in the first place. (These three are: Again and Again, Memory Moment, Contrasts and Contradictions. The scores are posted on Google Classroom the assignment is completed.)
  3. Complete your one-pager(s) for independent reading books or book club books, but only if you have finished them. You can find directions on the resources tab.
  4. Revise your Hatchet Essay. If you have scored below a 35/50, you do not have this choice, and I will begin keeping students at RAM and part of lunch if you do not begin to take those steps on your own.
  5. Go check that you completed the past No Red Ink Assignments. There is no new one, but many of you still have incomplete ones.
  6. Read your novel (book club OR independent reading)
If you revise anything, make sure you fill out the Revision Request.

  • Period 1/3/5: Book Groups Day 5/6 will be this Wednesday, March 13
  • Period 4/6: Book Groups Day 4/5 will be this Tuesday, March 12

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