Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Book Clubs Day 8 - Minimum Day

Today's Goal:
Book Club:

Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.

Present claims and findings, sequencing ideas logically and using pertinent descriptions, facts, and details to accentuate main ideas or themes; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Book Club Day 8 and Discussion Tracking
  3. Book Club Reflection
  4. Refugees and Migrants Google Classroom Question

Book Club Meeting Day 7
You'll have the first large chunk of class to discuss your book with your group.

Each member of your group will share their roles in the following order:
  1. Discussion Director - Spend the most time on this one! Answer/discuss the questions! 
  2. Signpost Spotter
  3. Captivating Connector
  4. Vocab Master
One volunteer will be getting a sheet that looks like this:
Refugees and Migrants (We did this last class, but the information is repeated here for your benefit.)

We hear these words a lot nowadays. Whether it's on the news, or in movies, or even in our conversations out at lunch, these two words are buzz words that are thrown around a lot. I am not here to engage you in a political debate. I encourage you to discover your own viewpoints, but we do  need to make sure that we fully understand the words we use so that our viewpoints come from an educated place. Since all of your novels involve people who have perspectives related to refugees, immigrants, and/or migrants, that's what we're going to investigate today.

Follow along as we watch the video and take notes on your worksheet. Add to your notes as we discuss the video as a class.

These are the questions we will work on while watching:
  1. What is the main difference between refugees and migrants?
  2. What are some reasons why someone might become a refugee?
  3. What are some of the obligations that host countries have toward refugees?
  4. What are some issues or problems that refugees may encounter?
  5. In what ways are these issues and ideas related to the character(s) in your book club novel? Be specific. Elaborate.

After our discussion, there is a question on Google Classroom for you to respond to in a full, detailed paragraph in which you elaborate on everything by being specific.

  • Google Classroom question regarding refugees
  • Complete your book club roles packet. I will collect it next class.

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