Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Book Club Poster Activity

Today's Goal:
Pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion.

Review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing.
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Poster Activity
  3. Debrief
  4. SBAC Tools

Poster Activity
At each of your tables is a passage that was chosen by your groups last class (it could be one of the passages that another period chose, but you all read it; it will be okay.).

Today you will get a chance to read and discuss that particular passage, the themes present, and how it relates to cultural identity.

  1. One person reads the passage out loud to the group
  2. Identify any words that need to be defined: define them
    This can include the setting, as well.
  3. Silently take 5 minutes to write down any notes or ideas or thoughts or questions you have about the ideas here. What connections can you make? What theme is present?
  4. You will have a chance to debrief with your group before going to a new table and repeating the process.

Here are some really really important questions that can guide your thinking:

  • How does cultural identity shape the character's personal experiences within their community?
  • What important lesson does a character in your novel learn about themselves, their community, or the society they live in?
  • What does the reader learn about a character's identity or culture and how it affects them?

Here are some sentence frames for you to use:
  • I noticed that...
  • This connects to...
  • I wonder if...
  • Why might... 
  • This reminds me of...
  • This means that...

Using examples from the passages you read, answer the unit question on Google Classroom in a paragraph at least. Elaborate, please. You don't have to have direct quotes, but you do have to have examples.
  • How does cultural identity shape a person's personal experiences within their community?


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