Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Even Day Periods 4 and 6 - March 12, 2019

Please see the previous two posts for your updates.

We will complete book club discussions for DAY FOUR ONLY today. (Friday, March 1, blog post)

Congratulations if you did day five - you're ahead for next class, when we will participate in discussions for days 5 AND 6. 

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Book Clubs Day Four
  3. Signpost "A-Ha Moment" RACE paragraph on Google Classroom (see Friday, March 1, blog post for details)
  4. Ketchup (see previous blog post for list - March 11)

Important: I won't see your changes to your work unless you fill out a revision request. I cannot say this enough.

In addition: I will drop the lowest score of the first three Signpost RACE paragraphs from your overall grade, but only if you completed them in the first place. (These three are: Again and Again, Memory Moment, Contrasts and Contradictions. The scores are posted on Google Classroom if the assignment is completed.)

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