Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Tough Questions Signpost - 9 October and 10 October 2019

Today's Goal:
Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.

Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Copy and Paste today's ELA Journal Entry into your ELA Journal.
  3. Tough Questions Signpost
  4. Excerpt from Woodsong by Gary Paulsen and RACEEE Paragraph Chart in ELA Journal
  5. Chapter 9 of Hatchet!


Tough Questions Signpost

You will be writing a RACE response in your ELA Journal about an exerpt from Gary Paulsen's memoir, Woodsong, today. 

The audio is linked above. The story is in your Language Arts textbook on page 167

CLICK HERE for more examples of tough questions and videos!! 

Hatchet Chapter 9 (Character traits and tough questions)
  1. Prompt: What character traits help describe Brian at this point in the novel and what evidence proves this? 
  2. Find at least ONE passage/quote in each chapter that shows Brian's attitude and reveals a character trait. Try to think about how he is acting OVERALL.
  3. Put the sticky note in and LABEL what character trait or attitude is reveals about Brian.
  4. Celebrate your success! You're annotating!

Please fill out the "Tough Questions" Chart in your ELA Journal. It asks for two pieces of evidence from Chapter 9 of tough questions and why they might be important points in the story. One is provided for you. The other is at the end of the chapter.

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