Monday, October 7, 2019

EEE of RACE: Elaborate and Explain the Evidence - 7 October and 8 October 2019

Today's Goal:
Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence clearly.

Support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Copy and Paste today's ELA Journal Entry into your ELA Journal.
  3. Hatchet!!
  4. EE of RACE Practice in your ELA Journal using our evidence gathered with sticky notes!


Hatchet Chapters 7 and 8

  1. Prompt: What character traits help describe Brian at this point in the novel and what evidence proves this? 
  2. Find at least ONE passage/quote in each chapter that shows Brian's attitude and reveals a character trait. Try to think about how he is acting OVERALL.
  3. Put the sticky note in and LABEL what character trait or attitude is reveals about Brian.
  4. Celebrate your success! You're annotating!

RACE: Elaborate and Explain the Evidence

Today we practice elaborating on our evidence. Using evidence is not enough unless you can explain the connection between your answer and the evidence you have gathered. Sometimes it means explaining what's going on in the story, and always it means that you will need to have done a little bit of analysis so you can explain why it matters at all. 

It is not enough to say "this happened." We will always need to explain why it matters in the story and how it affects the characters. If you can't explain it, it's not the right piece of evidence for you.

You will be filling out a RACE chart that looks a lot like this one in your ELA Journal today, which you will find on Google Classroom, as usual. Here is a link to Ms. Black's Model.

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