Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
The Plan:
- Watch the Screencast of Ms. Black telling you about the day.
- Signposts Quiz
- Read your independent reading book while you wait for your peers to finish the quiz
- Finish Hatchet
- Practice 10-12 (Finish the Beginner Lessons)
- Due Friday, 1 November, 4pm
Ms. Black's Screencast
Signposts Quiz
This quiz is individual. Please do your best. In the places where you have to write your own sentences, make sure you answer the questions thoroughly. I believe in you. You can do it. You've been doing it for weeks. You are strong and capable and resilient.
This quiz is individual. Please do your best. In the places where you have to write your own sentences, make sure you answer the questions thoroughly. I believe in you. You can do it. You've been doing it for weeks. You are strong and capable and resilient.
Hatchet Chapters 18, 19, and the epilogue
- Prompt: What character traits help describe Brian at this point in the novel and what evidence proves this?
- Find at least ONE passage/quote in each chapter that shows Brian's attitude and reveals a character trait. Try to think about how he is acting OVERALL.
- Put the sticky note in and LABEL what character trait or attitude is reveals about Brian.
- Celebrate your success! You're annotating!
Please take note of what is different about Brian at the end of this book. Beyond everything that happened, how do his experiences affect the way he approaches his life and his choices?