Friday, December 14, 2018

Costa's Levels: A Review by Sorting; also Hatchet chapters 12 and 13

Today we're going to do some sorting
Today's Goal: Costa's Levels of Thinking, Read chapter 12 and 13

The Plan:
  1. Social Contract Goal
  2. Read Independent Reading
  3. Costa's Levels of Thinking Review/Discussion
  4. Hatchet Chapter 12
  5. Hatchet Chapter 13: Warning, there is a time jump in this one, and some pretty significant things happen.
  6. Gather evidence (I'm giving you stickies again)


Costa's Levels of Thinking
  • I'm giving you a set of questions (on slips of paper) that YOU wrote last class.
  • Your challenge: Sort them into the different levels of thinking you learned about last class.
  • After you sort them, check with Ms. Black. Did you get them right?
  • Discuss the questions with your table. 

Reading Chapter 12 and 13
While you read:

Look for evidence of Brian’s attitude and feelings.
Mark it with your sticky note and write why or what it reveals about Brian.

You have 3 stickies. You must have at least one in each of the two chapters we read today.

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