Monday, December 10, 2018

Chapter 8 and a little bit of Ketchup

Get it?! Because tomatoes get made into ketchup?!
Today's Goal: Read Chapter 8 and gather a bit of evidence about Brian's emotions and point of view. Catch up.

The Plan:
  1. Read!
  2. Hatchet Chapter 8/Chapter 5-8 Questions
  3. Sticky Note Investigation - Brian's emotions and beliefs about survival
  4. Make like a tomato and CATCH. UP.


Sticky Note Investigation: Where can you find evidence of Brian's emotions and beliefs about survival?
After we read Chapter 8, you and your peers will take TWO sticky notes and do the following:
  1. Go back through chapters 5-8 with your partner.
  2. Look for TWO passages or quotes (each passage must be from a different chapter)
  3. Prompt: Where is there evidence of Brian's emotions or beliefs about his survival?
  4. Put the sticky note in and LABEL what the belief or what the emotion is.
  5. Be prepared to talk about it. There's no writing about this today if you can talk about it.

A list of things you need to double check are complete:

  • No Red Ink "Capitalization 1"
  • Hatchet Questions 1-2
  • Hatchet Questions Chapter 5-8
  • World Cafe Discussion - your responses AND responses to two peers
  • Spooky Story Revisions - if you got a score below 35 out of 50, you REALLY need to revise. I'm here at RAM, after school, and at lunch. 
  • Survival Stories Jigsaw

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