Thursday, December 20, 2018

Hatchet, Reading Goals, Getting ready for winter break

Source: Click here
Another source can be found if you click here
Today's Goal: Read Hatchet.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Complete this VERY SHORT informational survey
  3. My Winter Break Reading Plans
  4. Hatchet Chapter 15 - Label evidence of NEW Brian with stickies!
  5. What's my mindset?
  6. Why do mindsets matter?

    • PLEASE check out an extra book from me or the TPMS library today or tomorrow.
  • If you have any missing assignments OR assignments that are low-scoring, do them, improve them, and fill out the revision request
  • I assigned a FOURTH No Red Ink Assignment
    • The new assignment is due on Friday, January 11, at 6pm. BUT you might as well do it sooner.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Gathering Evidence: OLD Brian

Today's Goal: Gather evidence to discover "old" Brian's characteristics and personality traits.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. "Old Brian" Evidence Tracker
  3. Read Chapter 14


Friday, December 14, 2018

Costa's Levels: A Review by Sorting; also Hatchet chapters 12 and 13

Today we're going to do some sorting
Today's Goal: Costa's Levels of Thinking, Read chapter 12 and 13

The Plan:
  1. Social Contract Goal
  2. Read Independent Reading
  3. Costa's Levels of Thinking Review/Discussion
  4. Hatchet Chapter 12
  5. Hatchet Chapter 13: Warning, there is a time jump in this one, and some pretty significant things happen.
  6. Gather evidence (I'm giving you stickies again)


Costa's Levels of Thinking
  • I'm giving you a set of questions (on slips of paper) that YOU wrote last class.
  • Your challenge: Sort them into the different levels of thinking you learned about last class.
  • After you sort them, check with Ms. Black. Did you get them right?
  • Discuss the questions with your table. 

Reading Chapter 12 and 13
While you read:

Look for evidence of Brian’s attitude and feelings.
Mark it with your sticky note and write why or what it reveals about Brian.

You have 3 stickies. You must have at least one in each of the two chapters we read today.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Hatchet Chapters 9-11 and Costa's Levels of Thinking

Today's Goal: Read Hatchet Chapter 9-11. Practice Costa's Levels of Questioning

The Plan:
  1. Read independent reading!
  2. Read chapters 9-10 of Hatchet
  3. Chapter 11?
    What gets repeated in this chapter? What does the author reveal about Brian when he talks about "change"?
  4. Create discussion questions using Costa's Levels of Thinking (Here's the form. Complete on your own if you're absent)


While you read chapter 11: 

  • What sentence is repeated throughout chapter 11?
  • What is the Gary Paulson’s purpose for repeating this phrase?
  • What does the description of “change” in this chapter tell you about Brian’s character?

What level of thinking do these questions come from?

Costa's Level's of Thinking and Discussion Questions

Did you know there are different levels of thinking? You might have heard a teacher say "you have to dig deeper" or "I need you to be thoughtful or add to the conversation." What they're really saying is that we have to go beyond the first level of thinking.

There are a bunch of psychologist dudes that have created frameworks for thinking, but we're going to look at Costa's.

Costa says there are basically three levels:
  1. Gathering information
  2. Processing information
  3. Applying information
You can also think of it this way:
  1. knowing facts
  2. understanding ideas
  3. being able to use those ideas and facts to create new things

So here's your challenge today. I don't want to know if you can tell me everything that happened in Chapter 9 and 10 today, because I think you can do that already.

Instead, I want you to become the discussion director. If you were me, what are the questions you would ask? Why is that a question you would ask? How does it relate to the story you are reading?

The trick is that it needs to be worth discussing. We're going to talk about all the questions, so make sure you're proud of it!

FILL OUT THIS FORM WITH YOUR PARTNER (on your own if you're absent)

Monday, December 10, 2018

Chapter 8 and a little bit of Ketchup

Get it?! Because tomatoes get made into ketchup?!
Today's Goal: Read Chapter 8 and gather a bit of evidence about Brian's emotions and point of view. Catch up.

The Plan:
  1. Read!
  2. Hatchet Chapter 8/Chapter 5-8 Questions
  3. Sticky Note Investigation - Brian's emotions and beliefs about survival
  4. Make like a tomato and CATCH. UP.


Sticky Note Investigation: Where can you find evidence of Brian's emotions and beliefs about survival?
After we read Chapter 8, you and your peers will take TWO sticky notes and do the following:
  1. Go back through chapters 5-8 with your partner.
  2. Look for TWO passages or quotes (each passage must be from a different chapter)
  3. Prompt: Where is there evidence of Brian's emotions or beliefs about his survival?
  4. Put the sticky note in and LABEL what the belief or what the emotion is.
  5. Be prepared to talk about it. There's no writing about this today if you can talk about it.

A list of things you need to double check are complete:

  • No Red Ink "Capitalization 1"
  • Hatchet Questions 1-2
  • Hatchet Questions Chapter 5-8
  • World Cafe Discussion - your responses AND responses to two peers
  • Spooky Story Revisions - if you got a score below 35 out of 50, you REALLY need to revise. I'm here at RAM, after school, and at lunch. 
  • Survival Stories Jigsaw

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Let's Read. Hatchet Chapter 5-7

Today's Goal: I've made the executive decision today that we're going to focus all our energy on reading Hatchet today. With any extra time, you can read, revise work for my class, or work on homework.

The Plan:
  1. Read!
  2. Read Hatchet
    Chapters 5-6
    Chapters 7-8
    NOTE: We will NOT read chapter 8 today. We will read it next class. You will not be able to complete ALL of the Hatchet Questions, but you will be able to complete most of it. Do that.
  3. Complete Hatchet Questions for Chapter 5-8
  4. Work on homework or revision for my class. If all caught up, read!

A list of things you need to double check are complete:

  • No Red Ink "Capitalization 1"
  • Hatchet Questions 1-2
  • World Cafe Discussion - your responses AND responses to two peers
  • Spooky Story Revisions - if you got a score below 35 out of 50, you REALLY need to revise. I'm here at RAM, after school, and at lunch. 
I will start assigning lunch detentions next week for people that have excessive missing or incomplete assignments.

  • Read!
  • Finish Hatchet Questions Ch. 5-8 on Google Classroom (Some questions you can't answer until we read chapter 8, but most you can)
  • No Red Ink - sign in with Google and complete the assignment called "Capitalization 1" 
    • Due Friday 6pm for ALL classes. Some of you may already have passed level one of the assignment because of the diagnostic. Yay! Less homework for you!
  • Go back and complete any work you did not complete or need to revise. Seriously. Do it. YOU ARE CAPABLE.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Conflict and Character

Today's Goal: Connect survival stories to our class novel while simultaneously investigating the traits that we can develop to support us in difficult situations.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Character traits in your independent reading novels - Google Classroom Question #3: RACE paragraph
  3. Jigsaw Activity - finish from last class
  4. Hatchet - Let's talk about Conflict 
  5. Hatchet Chapter 5

  • Read!
  • No Red Ink - sign in with Google and complete the assignment called "Capitalization 1" 
    • Due Friday 6pm for ALL classes. Some of you may already have passed level one of the assignment because of the diagnostic. Yay! Less homework for you!
  • Go back and complete any work you did not complete or need to revise. Seriously. Do it. 

Jigsaw Survival Stories

  1. In your new group, you will speak, one person at a time, about the article you read. Everyone else should have the article open in front of them.
  2. Make sure to be detailed for your peers; they did not read the article you read.
  3. Allow the speaker to speak. When they are done, ask questions if needed.
  4. After all 5 group members have shared, complete the last two questions together.
  5. Staple your two graphic organizers together and turn them into the inbox.

  1. Working with your partner, identify the type of conflict that is present in Hatchet. Together, find one quote from chapter 1-4 that prove that this is the type of conflict that Brian is facing.
  2. Let's listen to chapter 5! Maybe even chapter 6!
    Depends on time.