Thursday, May 10, 2018

Introductions and Conclusions

Today's Goal: Keep. Writing.
I believe in you.
You can do it.

The Plan:
  1. Read!
  2. Introductions and Conclusions: A crash course.
  3. WRITE!
Listen, here's what you need to know about introductions:

Okay, some notes about your final paragraph:

  • DO NOT SAY THE WORDS "In conclusion"
    • I KNOW it's your conclusion. That's because it's the last paragraph. Please don't announce this to me. Whatever came after those two words is probably JUST FINE.
    • In science, the words "in conclusion" are super helpful. 
      • This is not science class.
  • Your conclusion is where you answer the question: SO WHAT? What should we understand about humans and about life after reading this story and learning about this theme? How does it apply to the real world?

  • BRING YOUR Homeless Bird TOMORROW (You have to leave it with me tomorrow. I have to turn it in to the library.)
  • You need to keep writing your essay. I will give us today and tomorrow to write two body paragraphs. It will probably take you longer than that, but I want to spend a little time on Thursday talking about introductions and conclusions
  • Achieve: Two Student Choice (LAST ONES)
  • Read! Two MORE books by the end of the year!

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