Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Body Paragraphs (Step by Step)

Today's Goal: Write body paragraphs. Use two pieces of evidence in each paragraph. Make sure your writing is clear and understandable.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Body Paragraphs! (You need your evidence planner and your new essay document, both in Google Classroom).
  3. If you finish your body paragraphs, feel free to visit the "Complete Essay Outline" and begin working on you introduction and conclusion.
    OR you may work on Achieve
    OR you may read. 
Helpful Resources for you:
Writing a Body Paragraph:

IMPORTANT: These 7 steps are for writing ONE paragraph. Everything here from step 1 to step 7 will be part of ONE body paragraph. ONE! That means you do all these steps two times for two different paragraphs.

  • You need to keep writing your body paragraphs. I will give us today and tomorrow to write two body paragraphs. It will probably take you longer than that, but I want to spend a little time on Thursday talking about introductions and conclusions
  • Achieve: Two Student Choice (LAST ONES)
  • Read! Two MORE books by the end of the year!

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