Monday, May 7, 2018

Finish gathering your evidence.

Today's Goal: Finish collecting evidence for your Homeless Bird essay.

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Ms. Black's example (for reference)
  3. Finish gathering evidence to support your theme (Google Classroom)
  4. If you finish, do your Achieves. Tomorrow we will jump into writing, so be prepared.
Homeless Bird Essay Prompt

In the book Homeless Bird by Gloria Whelan, what theme does the author convey?
Write a FOUR-paragraph argumentative essay that identifies and argues which theme is found in Homeless Bird.
You may, if you choose, go above and beyond and create a five-paragraph essay.


  • You may find that as you write, your evidence isn't quite what you wanted. That's okay! That just means you changed your mind and you realized what you could do to make it stronger! Please don't try to force your evidence to fit if it doesn't. Go find better evidence!
  • You will have ONE week to write your four paragraphs. Next Monday, after school, I will start scoring them. You will get your final document and rubric tomorrow
  • You will NOT have any more time in class after Friday because we will be doing SBAC Testing all week next week.
  • Your Homeless Bird books are due back in the library on Friday, so please bring them to school to leave with me. I will turn them in for you so you do not get an overdue notice.

  • GATHER ALL YOUR EVIDENCE as soon as possible
    • Student Choice #11
    • Student Choice #12
  • Make sure you are reading your independent reading books! You have six more weeks to read two more books!
  • No Lit Thursday this week because of testing and because of our Homeless Bird essays.

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