Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Screen Time: An Introduction - 3 March and 4 March 2020

Today's Goal: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 6 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.

The Plan:
  1. Read! (and also copy/paste ELA Journal work!)
  2. Four Corners Discussion
  3. Screen Time and the Brain by Debra Bradley Ruder - you will find a copy of this in Google Classroom for you!
  4. Finish ELA Journal Entry

  • Finish ELA Journal work if incomplete
  • CommonLit.org Article of the Week
    • due Friday, 6 March, 4pm
    • You must complete the assessment questions. There are 8 of them.
    • Make sure you "log in with Google" as always
  • No Red Ink "Fragments and Quotes"
    • due Friday, 13 March, 4pm
    • if it is completed after 4pm, it will be marked late and you will lose some credit.

Four Corners Discussion

First: In your ELA Journal, you will need to decide your opinions on your own.

Then, we will discuss as a class.

Screen Time and the Brain by Debra Bradley Ruder

We will annotate this together digitally. DIGITALLY?!? Yes. Digitally.
You'll find your copy in Google Classroom.

Here's what we're looking for today:
  1. Purpose for Reading: How do screens affect kids' brains?
  2. Highlight and define words we don't know in YELLOW
  3. Highlight key ideas in each section in GREEN
  4. If we highlight, we must also leave a comment to ANNOTATE.
You will find the following questions to respond to in your ELA Journal in complete sentences:
  • According to the article, how do screens affect the brain? Use evidence.
  • What are two digital media tips shared in the article and why might those have a positive impact?
  • Personal opinion question: How does annotating on an online document differ from annotating on paper? Which do you prefer and why?

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