Monday, March 9, 2020

Finish Annotating our Article and Finding Author's Purpose - 9 March and 10 March 2020

Today's Goal: 
Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text.

The Plan:
  1. Copy ELA Journal from Ms. Black's to yours and then Read!
  2. Read "Teens who spend less time in front of screens are happier – up to a point, new research shows" - practice Marking the Text/annotation
  3. Write a RACE paragraph!
  4. Go to the Book Fair!

  • Finish ELA Journal work if incomplete
  • No Red Ink "Fragments and Quotes"
    • due Friday, 13 March, 4pm
    • if it is completed after 4pm, it will be marked late and you will lose some credit.
  • CommonLit Article of the Week
    • "Marley Dias: The 13-Year-Old Activist & Author"
    • 5 Assessment Questions - due Friday, 20 March, 4pm
    • There is a link on Google classroom or you can log in with Google here

Reading and Marking the Text

We will do this in steps. Some will be together, some will be in partners or groups. Some will be individual. We will not get through everything today and that's okay.

PURPOSE FOR READING: What impact does increased screen time have on teens and their families? 
  1. Write our purpose for reading at the bottom of page 1
  2. Number the paragraphs and divide the reading into sections (together)
  3. Skim the article and BOX any words we should define together.
  4. Read each section out loud. For each section, we will summarize what the section says in the left margin, and state the author's purpose in the right margin.
  5. In groups, identify and highlight FOUR pieces of evidence that help explain the impact that increased screen time has on teens and their families.

Author's Purpose: the author's reason for writing; what is the author trying to DO in that particular section? What is their goal?

Here's the deal: I am going to list NINE "author's purpose" statements here. There are nine sections for you to read.

YOUR JOB: Match the right purpose to the right section, and write it in.

  • describes the study and the results
  • discusses potential next steps requested of Apple
  • compares and contrasts teen happiness to different lengths of screen time use
  • introduces the topic
  • shares an anecdote from a parent worried about addiction
  • shares an anecdote from a parent becoming more lenient with gaming screens
  • provides statistical data on cell phone use over time
  • considers how screen time is affected by their use in schools
  • questions the study's results and advocates for moderation

RACE Paragraph: 
After we annotate the article, answer the following in RACE paragraph form. 
You do not have to highlight.

What impact does increased screen time have on teenagers and their families?

Write your answer here in RACE paragraph form.

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