Tuesday, November 6, 2018

TEASE Revision and 6th Grade Reading Club

Today's Goal: Revisit your stories to make improvements and revise, as well as beginning our next independent reading adventure.

With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.

The Plan:
  1. Read (10 minutes from when the bell rings)
  2. Join: 6th Grade Readers #ReadersGottaRead on Google Classroom (15 minutes)
  3. Track today's reading (on Readers Classroom) (10 minutes)
  4. TEASE Revision (continued from last class) (50 minutes)
  5. With any time left, you can start working on your revision. I believe in you.
  • Track your Reading every time you read 
    • if you don't have a computer nearby, make a note on your phone or on a scrap piece of paper or on a bookmark. 
  • Use your TEASE revision plan to make improvements to your story!
    (Story Due Friday, 7pm
  • Bonus: Take a Book Selfie and add it to our Book Shelfie slides.

Join the 6th Grade Readers #ReadersGottaRead Google Classroom 
Once you join, answer the Challenge #1 Question, fill out your tracker for today's reading. Watch this video for more information.

Track Your Reading
Track the reading you did today on your reading tracker. Put a note in your planner to do this for homework.

TEASE Revision Plan
I tried to make this 3 minutes but this video is still five minutes. Sorry.

See the last post for links that you need.

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