Monday, November 26, 2018

Beginning Hatchet

Today's Goal: So many things. Reading. Writing. Discussing.

This is the size of the plane that Brian is in
The Plan:
  1. Go pick up our new class novel: Hatchet!
  2. Magical Root: LEV (See below for directions)
  3. Answer Google Classroom Question: What are the most important character traits to adapt and develop in a dangerous or difficult situation? 
  4. Read Hatchet, Chapters 1 and 2
  5. Complete questions on Google Classroom

Magical Root Vocabulary: LEV
Magical Word: Wingardium Leviosa
It's a new unit, and a new month, which means it's time for a new Magical Root!!

  1. On Google Classroom, open your "Magical Root Words" assignment. You will find it listed under "Magical Roots" on the classwork tab. You have used this before!
  2. Go to THESE SLIDES to copy and paste slides 8-11 into your own. (Hint: Click on slide 8 and then use Shift + the down arrow to highlight all four slides.)
  3. Use the first two slides to help you fill out and complete the second two.


  • Magical Root Vocab Square (On Magical Root Slides in Google Classroom): Your job is to find a word, any word, that uses the Latin Root lev, and fill out the Vocabulary Four Square for that word. Good luck
  • Finish Questions Ch 1 and 2 for Hatchet on Google Classroom
  • Read!

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