Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Academic Presentations Part TWO!

Please note: most of this looks just like the last post, but there are some additions. 

Check the reminders/homework.

Today's Goal: Learn about our peers and their interests as we listen to each other present "All About Me." Practice being a respectful audience and confident, academic presenters.

The Plan: This should look familiar.
  1. Read!
  2. All About Me Presentations
  3. All About Me Reflection (fill this out AFTER you present)
  4. Have you finished a book since the school year started? Have you finished THREE books? Please fill out THIS FORM each time you finish reading a book from start to finish. 
Don't forget the advice your peers have for you during your presentation:

  • Speak to the audience, not to the screen
  • Make your voice louder than you think it needs to be, so the people in the back can clearly hear you.
  • Say MORE than what is on the slides. Your slides don't have very much information on them. They are not supposed to. That's because you're going to talk about it, not read it.

  • Have you finished reading a book from start to finish this year? Please fill out the "I FINISHED A BOOK!!" form! 
    • This let's me know what you're reading, how long it's taking you to read your books, and what books I should be recommending! I require you to read regularly. This is one of the ways for you to show me.
  • Check out Overdrive! It's a great way to check out books digitally. The directions are on this blog post.
  • Turn in the work that you are missing or the work that needs revision.

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