Monday, September 28, 2020

September 28-29: Los Melones and Las Cebollas and EEE of RACE!

Today's Goal: 

Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Today's Agenda:

  1. Entrance Question in the Chat: If you had to choose, sunrises or sunsets? Why?
  2. Announcements/Screencast Overview
  3. Esperanza Rising Chapter - Los Melones (5)
  4. Esperanza Rising Chapter - Las Cebollas (6)
  5. Writing Task: RACE Paragraph with focus on EEE using the chapter titled "Las Cebollas"


End of Class Checklist (Did I finish these things?):


Screencast Overview:


Los Melones (5)

(Audio on Canvas)

Discussion Questions: 

  • Why doesn't Esperanza like Marta?
  • Why is the camp structured so that people of different nationalities are separate?
  • What does it mean to strike?


Las Cebollas (6)

(Audio on Canvas)

Discussion Questions: 

  • Esperanza is really struggling in this chapter with a number of things. What is she struggling to do? Why? How does she overcome these challenges?
  • What is different for Esperanza? 


Today's Writing Task:

Click Here to go to the Assignment.

Today you will continue practicing writing RACE paragraphs, but today I want you to focus your energy on the EEE in RACE. 

The EE is VERY important because it is the place where you really do the analysis to show your thinking. The goal is to expand upon what is in the quote and explain MORE than what is there. 


Here is the question you will answer:

What is one new experience that Esperanza struggles with in "Las Cebollas," and how does she overcome those struggles?

In your answer, you must put the WHOLE paragraph, but what I am grading is the EE. 

You have two options: 

  1. you can write your own paragraph with your own answer and evidence (this is a great choice if you really want to show off and push yourself)

  2. You can use the sentence frames below and copy and paste them into your answer box. You must fill in the last part of the paragraph, and it must be AT LEAST TWO SENTENCES, but maybe more.


Optional Sentence Frames:

(You can literally copy and paste these, but you have to fill in the rest with lots of detail.)

     One new experience that Esperanza struggles with in her new home is completing simple cleaning tasks, such as washing clothes and sweeping. After Isabel shows her how to wash the clothes, Isabel asks Esperanza if she can sweep and Esperanza lies when she says, "'Of Course,' said Esperanza. She had seen people sweep many times. Many, many times, she assured herself. Besides, she was already too embarrassed about the washing to admit anything else to Isabel" (Ryan 115-116). This is a significant moment because _____________. (You need two or more sentences. Why is this significant? What happens? What does Esperanza realize at this moment? What does she do next and why?)


Extra time?

Go do typing. Go check your missing assignments. 

Watch this video. (Seriously. You need to watch this video.)



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