Monday, June 4, 2018

Villains and Vile Settings - Continue to compare/contrast

Today's Goal: Can you write a paragraph?

The Plan:
  1. Read
  2. Compare/Contrast paragraph.
    Please note: these prompts and the writing requirements are fairly open-ended, meaning I'm not going to specify what goes in your paragraph. AT MINIMUM, you need specific details from both the movie and the show that you describe, in-text citations, and to practice using some of the academic language found on the photo below (no personal pronouns)

  • If you finish an independent reading book, fill out the form.
  • Bring Textbooks WEDNESDAY, June 6
  • Bring Ms. Black's books by FRIDAY, June 8
  • Bring Chromebooks AND chargers to turn in on Monday, June 11.
  • Homeless Bird Essay Revisions: Turn in rubric to Ms. Black for a rescore.

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