Thursday, August 31, 2017

Let's Discuss Learning!

Today's Goal: Work in individually and teams to evaluate your learning skills and struggles. This will give me an idea of what you need me to focus on in English class, allow us to practice working with a team, and let us discuss how we can be successful together.

  1. Yay! You made it here! Thank you for remembering the class procedure. After you read through our agenda for the day, show me that you're ready to move on by closing your chromebook and getting out SIX (6) sticky notes. If you have some, yay! If you don't, there are sticky notes at the front of the room.
  2. Stations Activity
  3. Name Tag Communication/Reflection

Here are the sentences I'm going to ask you to think about today, so you have a chance to look at them before I ask you to finish them.
  1. One of my areas of strength in school OR English class is ___
  2. One of my areas of weakness in school OR English class is ___
  3. To read and really understand a challenging story or article, I need ___
  4. To produce my best writing, I need ___
  5. Being kind and respectful in our classroom means that we ___
  6. Being responsible in our classroom means that we ___
I will give you directions about how we will respond to these questions and what we're going to do with your answers. 

You may add other things, but please respond to one of the following questions no matter what:
  1. What are your strengths and how can we utilize them?
  2. What does success at the end of the year look like to you?

Read the syllabus with a parent/guardian and fill out the forms!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Day 2 - Let's Keep Learning About Each Other!

Today's Goal: Get to know each other a little bit MORE. Start by finding the seat with your nametag on it. I have responded to all of your comments!

  1. Kahoot! (Learn a bit about Ms. Black by clicking on this link and waiting patiently)
  2. Some important class information
    (You will need the SYLLABUS and the powerpoint below)
  3. Watch a video of Ms. Black that I think you might enjoy
  4. A game at the end of class!
  5. Write your reflection and commentary to me on your name tag

  • By FRIDAY, read the syllabus with your parent and follow the instructions at the top 
  • Please make sure you have your Chromebook tomorrow and it is CHARGED.
  • Don't forget an independent reading book!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Welcome to Middle School!

I'm so glad we get to meet today!

Please do not touch the Play-Doh on your desk until instructed to.

Today's Goal: Get to know each other a little bit and create something!

My name is Ms. Black. As long as your schedule doesn't get switched around, I'll be your English teacher this year!


  1. Play-Doh Activity
  2. First Week Feedback Form
  3. Reflection


  • Please make sure you have your Chromebook tomorrow and it is CHARGED.
  • Don't forget an independent reading book!
  • See if you can visit this site tonight and show it to your parents/guardians. If you find the Course Syllabus together, you might even get a jumpstart on your homework later this week!

Sunday, August 27, 2017


On this site, you will find daily plans, resources, important links, and procedures for our classroom. This will be your home-base for everything we do in English this year. Share it with your parents or guardians. If you're absent, come here first. If you forget something, see if you can find the post that will help you.

I suggest that the first thing you do right this second is "bookmark" this page. Do you know how to do that? Does your friend? Does YouTube? I bet you can figure it out!

In addition, we will be utilizing Google Classroom, No Red Ink, Google Drive, and a number of other online resources. Some we will discover together. Some I will teach you. Some you might find and say, "MS. BLACK I WANT TO TRY A NEW THING." I can't wait for you to discover new tools to share with me and your classmates.