By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently
The Plan:
- Computer/Planner/READ!
- Reading Survey
- 25 Book Challenge and Classroom Sticker Chart
- Cup Stacking Challenge
- Read for 20 minutes every single day!
- Update your Reading Notebook (it's in Google Classroom AND in your Google Drive)
- Please complete your One-Word Project
- On the back: I chose the word _____ because ________. Write 4-6 sentences about WHY you chose that word and how it will apply to Language Arts this year.
Reading Survey
Please CLICK HERE for the survey. Please be honest and as detailed as you can. Use complete sentences!
25 Book Challenge
This year I am going to ask you to read 25 books or more!
You will find your 6th Grade Reading Notebook on Google Classroom right now!
In addition, each time you read a book and FINISH it, you will get to add a sticker to your periods reading chart. Yay!
Ms. Keller thinks she's going to win this by having the most stickers. I think she's fooling herself.
Today you will update your Reading Log.